Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Women's Day special... what we really asked for....

This year, like all other years, Women's Day meant that social media was cluttered with platitudes about women almost all of which proclaimed that women were no less than "goddesses", "angels", "super humans"... Well you get the gist! Contrary to making me feel proud, it made me feel extremely uneasy. I mean, just think of the huge expectations that you have just dumped on an unsuspecting woman, something that she is now obliged to live up to whether she wants to or not! Did she ask to be hailed as an angel? Did she ask to be worshiped? Did she ask to be known as a superhero? But did you stop to ask what she wanted or needed? No, you assumed that she would be grateful to see so many messages and forwards telling her she was perfect.

If only you would have asked her what she wants. Maybe she would have said that she did not want to choose between her family and her career. Maybe she would have asked not to be called a "slut" because she chose to have sex before marriage. Or maybe she would have wanted not to be treated only as a baby-producing machine because she is much more than that. Maybe she would have told you not to assume that she was using her looks to get that promotion in office. Or that just because she chose to be a homemaker, did not mean that she was good for nothing else. Or that she wanted equal pay for equal work irrespective of her gender. Or maybe that her parents not be asked to pay huge dowries for her in the name of "tradition". Maybe she would have asked you to stop repeating cliches like "women can't drive", "only women gossip", "a woman's place is at home". Maybe asked you not to intersperse her name with expletives and abuses. Who knows, she might have asked you for the gifts of respect, equality and safety instead of those chocolates, expensive jewelry and spa treatments you offered. Yes, safety and respect... maybe she would have asked for a day where she can wear what she likes and do what she likes without you judging her, mocking her, touching her, assaulting her...

Well now that you are done with the blatant show of love and respect for this Women's Day, maybe think about what you could actually do for the women in your life. Make the effort to demonstrate respect, love and equality. And if you can't do anything, just let her be. She doesn't need you to treat her like a God... she needs you to treat her as an equal because whether you like it or not, that's what she is!
Perfectly summed up my feelings!

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