Monday, April 11, 2016

The importance of girls' trips...

This one is for every girl out there... No matter where you are, every once in a while you should go for an all-girls trip! It is always fun to go somewhere with your family or with your partner, but there is something liberating about being on a trip with girls. Sharing rooms, sharing makeup and clothes, sharing gossip... there is a lot that happens when girls travel together. Last weekend I went on an all-girls trip to Washington DC... after more than a year... and it reminded me of why it is important to go on such trips once in a while.

This brings me to one of the coolest all-girls trip that I ever went on... a long-awaited trip to the awesome beaches of Goa! We had been planning the trip for years and it never seemed to work out until the time we just went ahead and booked our tickets... and threw caution to the winds. At the time the four of us were staying in four different cities which made the meeting up all the more exciting. But the best thing about that trip was that we had been at a low point in our individual lives and in those four days, we left all our worries and negativity somewhere far behind. There is something freeing about the sea and the waves... it makes you want to let go. And that's exactly what we did. We let go of our phone addiction, social networks, the need to always be "online" and gave in to the simple joys of life like walking on the beach, watching the sun set, frolicking among the waves, lying in shacks and eating great food... Of course it was a perfect vacation to have those long conversations without agendas, silences that did not need to be filled by words, just watching the sea as it constantly ebbed and flowed... Then there was all the craziness... the first night of thinking maybe an all-girls trip wasn't the safest of ideas, then starting the next day with renewed energy and reminding ourselves why it was the best idea ever, being tourists during the scorching day and then those beautiful evenings languidly stretching into the wee hours of the morning... The best journey is one which you wish doesn't end and that is what this trip was...
We were enjoying so much, we didn't even take a proper photo together!

So yes, once in a while, grab your besties and set off on an amazing journey. A journey where you can be free because you are with people you can be yourself with. A journey which will be significant to all of you. Leave behind your busy lives and be in the moment. Have those long talks which otherwise are confined to Watsapp and rare phone calls. I guarantee you that it would be experience that you would cherish forever. 

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