Monday, September 14, 2015

Why do people cheat in relationships?

This blog takes a look at why people feel the need to cheat when they are in relationships... purely from my perspective and observations.
Cheating is one of the many reasons why relationships fail and in today's world of innumerable options and instant gratification, it has become too common. It could be anything... sex outside the relationship, romantic involvement with a third person... anything that points to the fact that the relationship is not okay. A lot of times people who are in apparently loving relationships also feel the need to cheat. When I think about these things and observe relationships around me, I really want to know what motivates us to cheat and is it worth giving up entire relationships for this?

  1. Physical Need... The most commonly given excuse for cheating is this one. A lot of people argue that they are not sexually satisfied with the person they are in a relationship with. Even though the relationship might be emotionally satisfying, they feel like having "just sex" with a third person (or persons). They justify this by saying that it is only about a physical need or that it only happened one time or that they were drunk and did not know what they were doing and that there is no emotional involvement.
    My take: It is never just about sex, especially for the person being cheated on. It can make the person lose all self worth and destroy the trust in a relationship.
  2. Options, Options and Options... I feel the greatest curse of our generation is that we have been blessed with unlimited options. Which has led to the problem that most of us can't pick one option and stick to it because choosing one thing means letting go of others. This is the excuse used by people who feel that committing to one person means losing out on many other options. For them monogamy is like a life sentence and it scares them. They justify the act of cheating by saying that they are afraid of commitment.
    My take: Personally I do not have a problem if someone is not willing to be monogamous as long as he/she is clear about it. There are many people who are okay with being in open relationships which ensures that no one is getting hurt.
  3. Boost self esteem... This is a reason which I have mostly heard from women. They justify their act of cheating by the argument that a third person has often made them feel more desirable and given them a sense of higher self worth than the person they were involved with. While it is easy to wave this away as an excuse, sometimes a low self-esteem does make a person indulge in morally wrong actions.
    My take: Though it may seem like a boon in the short term, cheating will never make you feel like a better person in the long run. Self worth comes from a deeper place and if your partner is making you feel worthless, maybe it is time to let go of the relationship.
  4. Just avoid the stress... Some cheat just to forget and avoid the problems and the stress in their own relationships. There are a lot of people who say that they like to forget the worries and the tension in their lives by seeking fulfillment outside. It is like the proverbial pigeon who buried his head in the earth thinking if he couldn't see the cat, the cat would also not be able to see him.
    My take: Well I cannot imagine what is more stressful than cheating but that's just me! On a serious note, if your relationship is stressing you out and you can see the problems, communicating with your partner would be the right thing to do. 
  5. Because they can... Some people cheat simply because they can! They usually have the opportunity and they think they can get away with it. It is a power play in their mind which makes them feel good about themselves and they have no qualms about what they are doing. Needless to say there is no excuse for these people and yes, sadly they do exist in large numbers!
    My take: Cheating in a relationship is disrespecting it and humiliating the other person involved in it. Maybe people get away with it, but it is never a sign of a healthy relationship.

In conclusion, infidelity is a harsh reality and it almost always destroys a relationship. Some accept their mistakes and mend their ways and some make it their lifestyle. Whatever the reason maybe, cheating should never be an excuse and if you feel the need to cheat, something is definitely missing or wrong in your relationship. Since the cornerstone of a healthy relationship is trust, to break that trust is probably the worst way you can treat your partner.

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